Just a quick note to let all of our esteemed members know that at our next meeting (Tuesday April 19, 7:20 pm at the Friends Meeting House, Jesus Lane) we’ll be discussing and voting on how we want our delegate to vote on proposed resolutions at the national AGM.
Our president Sophie will be our delegate and we can vote to have her vote yes, no, or at her discretion separately on each of two proposed resolutions. The official WI PDFs of each are linked below for your perusal and you may wish to engage in independent research in advance as well if these are areas of interest to you:
The committee is setting aside some time during the meeting to discuss the resolutions, but since we also have a speaker booked we do have to limit the time allotted. Members are welcome to discuss the resolutions further in our private Facebook group at their leisure.
Looking forward to seeing you all at the meeting!