Cambridge Ladybirds will be suspending its services from 2022.
If you would like to join a WI in the Cambridge area, please contact the Cambridge Federation of WI or use the official WI search page.
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We've been compliant with GDPR since 2018, and we like it!
What does it mean?
It means we need to let you know what data of yours we have and what we intend to do with it. So please read on!
As a voluntary, charitable group aiming to support our members, we do not collect or retain information about our members which we do not use or need.
Information which you’ve disclosed on your registration form is secured on National WI’s registry database, which we do not own or use at all.
We keep your name, your email address and the month in which you were born on a membership list on a secure cloud server. This allows us to run our WI group and contact you when needed.
We don't like sending emails that aren't needed.
We sometimes may email you with important notifications about our WI. This only happens a few time per year - if that...
The only regular email you will receive from Cambridge Ladybirds, is our monthly newsletter.
Under GDPR, you have to opt in to receive it.
To opt in, please complete our GDPR and Photo consent Survey.
What other data do we collect?
We are also keeping track of your meeting attendance, so we can check in on you if we haven’t seen you in a while.
Most importantly!
We never have and never will sell the information we hold about you, nor will we allow anyone outside our group access to your information.
See for yourself!
You are always welcome to attend a committee meeting and see for yourself what we do with your information.
A quick word about Social Media
We use Facebook as a primary means of engaging with the Ladybirds as a group (invite-only group), and as a platform to connect with other Cambridge-based WI (CamCo group) as well as the National Federation and the Unofficial National WI group.
As the moderators of the Ladybirds group, we are committed to keeping the membership of the group up-to-date.
We also have a photo release form, where we ask our members to consider whether they want to be in photographs we take during meetings and activities.
As Social Media platforms are user-driven, please note that we cannot control what other members will be posting, nor can we control what they will be doing with their account and privacy settings.
We do ask that you are kind and respectful to other Ladybirds wishes with regards to social media posts and tags.