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A New Ladybird Year

Writer's picture: shani elirazshani eliraz

Apologies for the radio silence over here on the Ladybirds blog, we are busy busy it seems. January and February meetings were well attended and saw us discuss our ideas to support the WI resolutions “End Plastic Soup” and “Link Together” and learning the art of story telling. March meant that all too quickly another WI year has come to a close at Cambridge Ladybirds, and with it the beginning of a new one. March is the month in which Cambridge Ladybirds hold their AGM and now famous (or at least we like to think so) annual members bake-off. We find the business of the evening is more easily digested with a slice (or 2 or 3) of delicious cake! This years Bake Off Golden Spoon was lifted by Kaitlin Bradley with her scrumptious Butter Balls! Our AGM sees us look back over all the  activities and achievements of the last year, by golly did we have some fun! If you would like to read about our year then you can here.

As well as looking back over the previous 12 months this meeting sees the re-election of the committee and from amongst them the President. This year saw our 2017/18 President Helen stepping down from the role as she and her husband prepared to welcome their new baby. We have since heard that baby has arrived safe into the world and that all are doing well. Congratulations and lots of love to you from us all!

We have had some changes to our committee this year with longstanding members stepping down and new members stepping up. The new committee for 2018/19 is Ruth Turner, Shani Efford Eliraz, Jo Chamberlin, Luisa Clarke, Alana Sinclair, Kimberly Chapman, Jo Beale and Vaijayanti Jadhav. From this amazing selection of ladies I (Ruth Turner) was nominated to preside over our group for the coming year.

I feel very privileged to be in this position and I hope to continue to build on the great work already done by the wonderful ladies who have come before me. I feel very passionate about the role that the Women’s Institute can play both in our local community and nationally. I am very proud of the history the WI has in campaigning on issues such as the environment and health and I hope to see the new resolution “Mental Health Matters” gain approval from the membership at the National AGM in June. The friendships I have gained from being a member of 2 (yes 2! See what Cam City WI get up to here) local WI communities and the wider WI network is what I treasure above all else. Meeting regularly with like-minded women has had such a positive impact on my life. I would urge anyone who even has a small inkling that the WI might be for the to investigate what their local groups have to offer.

Cambridge Ladybirds have some great meetings coming up and we love having visitors! You can see what we are going to get up to over the next few months here, either drop us a quick email to say you want to come along or show up on the night. Visitors are asked to pay £4 which includes refreshments the only stipulations is that you are over the age of 18 and identify as female. We are a supportive group of awesome women and you will be made to feel very welcome.

Until next time lots of Ladybird love!

Ruth (President)


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