It was a dark crisp December evening in Cambridge……………..
We opted for a relaxed and sociable evening for our December meeting this year, we have spaces for new members and so we waived the guest fee and encouraged the Ladybirds to come along and invite a friend. The baking rota was left to the committee to come up with some delicious delights-and I think it is safe to say, they delivered. Mince pies from Sophie…with homemade mincemeat AND flaky pastry (mucho respect!) Iced fruitcake, chocolate logs, gingercake, cheeselet biscuits and cranberry jaffa cakes. We also experimented with non alcoholic mulled drinks (no booze in the FMH) so Helen and Lucy made a mulled apple juice and cranberry juice as well as the usual teas and coffee.

YUM yums

No Christmas party would be complete without a silly game, so we played Ladybirds bingo….a good way to find out which of your fellow WI members and guests have a tattoo, are left handed, can play the banjo and so on…..there was a prize for the winner-but I have to admit that things became so competitive and I was running around with a camera, that I have no idea who won (but I know it wasn’t me).

Sue has a clipboard-she needs bakers for 2015…

As a WI we have been going for just over a year now and our online, social media presence is gradually increasing. This means more updates about the things we have been getting up to, linking up with our fellow WI’s and forging an identity of our own. As a committee we wanted to get our members to help with this and so we had a little ‘brainstorming’ game/exercise planned….cue pens and lots of post-it notes! We asked everyone to write down what they thought Ladybirds was to them/what it meant to them as a member or an opinion as a guest, what they would like it to be or how they saw the WI as a whole…it could be a word or phrase. We had some great responses….
Welcoming, friendly, diverse, creative, fun, forward thinking, informative……all very encouraging stuff! We will be taking the words forward and doing something a little creative so watch this space!

As part of any meeting there are of course, the notices and the big one this month is….fill in your membership form and £36 later you will be a 2015 Ladybird! We have vacancies for members so come along and join our ‘positive adjective-rich’ group of lovely ladies-we look forward to welcoming you.
In the meantime, have a very Happy Christmas and wonderful New Year…hopefully we will see you in January!
x x x