In March the Ladybirds held a special Craft Group to make some butterflies to go on cakes for a bereaved member. Amidst our sadness for our friend and her loss, there was found some joy in memories and creating a beautiful and heartfelt tribute.
We used special cutters that shape and stamp designs on the butterflies all in one go, and then airbrushed them in an array of vivid colours, including shiny metallics.
After the butterflies dried overnight they were placed on a variety of cakes to be served at the memorial event.
Our hearts go out to our friends and we all sincerely hope the bright butterflies helped her and her family find some peace in their difficult time.

Gold airbrush paint applied to the textured blue sugarpaste butterflies.

Dozens of sugarpaste butterflies drying after being airbrushed.

The folded paper helps them dry with their wings aloft.

Our next Craft Group will be on May 2. Details are posted in our private Facebook group.