Last week lots of Ladybirds gathered at Kwikfit for special session to learn all about our car maintenance. We were welcomed by Mark and the team and donned our very fetching overalls (We were rather excited about these, Sue even tried to go home in hers!) before getting our hands dirty…
We learnt a whole load of facts, tips and practical information, and went away feeling very empowered in all things car maintenance! Did you know that the legal tread limit for your tyres is 1.6mm, but it’s recommend to change them much sooner and you should check them regularly. (If you fully turn your steering wheel to the side when parking this makes them much easier to check) Uneven tyre wear can indicate a problem with tracking Check out Kwikfit’s guide to wheel alignment for more information.

Checking the tread depth on a tyre
One of the things our members were most keen to learn was how to change a wheel and our friendly teacher took us through the whole process with all of us having a go.
A lot of us struggled with the upper body strength needed to loosen the wheel nuts, but we learnt this very handy tip… Step on it! (Make sure that the wrench is fully engaged before you stand on it)
We then had a good tour under the bonnet and learnt where to find the screenwash, engine oil and coolant, and how to check the levels and refill them.
And in true WI style we finished off with a quick quiz to recap what we learned, we do love a bit of healthy competiveness! Fittingly our organiser of the evening, Lucy, was the winner and awarded with a bottle of bubbly. And if that wasn’t exciting enough we were all given goody bags to take home…

Ooh Deirdre is excited about our goody bags!
Thanks Kwikfit for a really engaging and informative session! I had a blast and loved learning with my fellow Ladybirds. Now all I need is a car to go with my new found car maintenance skills!
Sophie x